vineri, 19 noiembrie 2010

Baby & Aquarium

Matei fericit!
    Matei e pasionat de acvaristica de cand s-a nascut, pana si colicele se calmau cand il asezam in fata acvariului si privea jocul neobosit al pestilor viu colorati.
    Acum Matei a ajuns la varsta si inaltimea cand poate hrani pestii, dar mai ales poate decide singurel cand le e foame acestor mici vietati.
   "Matei boroboata" e deja pleonasm la noi in casa! Azi a hotarat ca pestisorii din acvariu au nevoie de un nou decor asa ca le-a aruncat in casuta lor de sticla un copacel de jad ornamental. Asta dupa ce alaltaieri le-a daruit cheile de la masina si doua planete din colectia lui de plastilina. Pana acum nici o paguba, dar ce vom face daca ii va veni ideea ca si pestii vor sa vorbeasca la telefon? Asa ca am hotarat sa sigilam capacul acvariului si asteptam sa-si descopere si alte hobby-uri inafara acvaristicii.

Matthew is passionate hobby since he was born, even colicele be calm when you sit in front of the aquarium and watched the game brightly colored fish relentless.
 Now Matthew has reached the age when you can feed fish and height, especially when all alone can decide these small creatures are hungry.
 'Matthew trouble' redundancy is already in our house! Today it decided that the aquarium fishes need a new setting so they threw a bottle in their box of jade ornament tree. That's the other day after he gave the car keys and two planets in his collection of clay. So far no damage, but what will we do if the idea that the fish will come to speak on the phone? So I decided to seal the tank lid and look forward to discover and other hobbies outside of aquarium.

by Maria

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